
How do audiophiles and melomaniacs find new music? Users tend to use Spotify, SoundCloud, or YouTube to discover new music but where do you start. Electro Magnetic is a mobile music player that allows users to discover new music through selected artists. The user simply swipes through specific artists, chosen periodically, and a playlist will generate tailored to a specific artist.

My Role

My role was to create a brand, develop screens, and create a motion piece to show what the interface would look like.

Mission Statement

When I work, music is a big part of my design process. During finals week, I wanted new music because I felt like I listened to every song in the playlists I listened to, over and over again. So I decided to create an simple application that allows users to take the choice out of choosing music to allow a simpler way to enjoy new music.



 electro branding


Since everyone is used to swiping left or right to get to different options, I found it was easy for users to figure out to switch between different music.

flybye wireframes

Final Screens

final screens