
Apex is an Application that allows users to check what cars have been bought the most in their age group, allow users to filter through cars through insurance/upkeep price, and see the prices people have bought around the users location and allows users to input their past experiences on car buying.

Mission Statement

During the past decade, due to the increase of living and expenses to live in a urban city, millenials are hesitant on buying a brand new car. Living in San Francisco, it is impossible to own a car. For those who are fortunate to have a car living in the city, they either pay more for parking then their car. For others, they can't find parking anywhere. We are here to help them buy the perfect car.


Millennial’s will represent about 40% of the U.S. new-vehicle market by 2020. Because they entered the job market during the recession, they were slower to move out of home, slower to start a family, and slower to purchase their first car. However, as the economy improved significantly, so has the number of Millennials purchasing cars. Millenials purchased 4.1 million vehicles in the United States, accounting for 29 percent of the market, according to data from J.D Power and Associates' Power Information Network. Because the buyers are younger, typically they have lower incomes and lower credit profiles. They tend to skew towards buying compact cars -- 18% compared to 14% for the industry in total. 63% of the respondents said they were either likely or extremely likely to buy a car online.


When coming up with the branding, Apex was the name I wanted to go with. By definition, Apex is the top or highest part of something. Not only did I want the website to be the best website for first time car buyers, but I also wanted people to get a unique experience. The logo itself was meant to represent a tire.

apex branding options logos

Final Logo

final logo apex

Website Design

image of website design